Friday, March 23, 2007

Week 4 Tutorial Task - Search Engines

Library Search Engines

The Topic I have chosen for my essay is virtual worlds/communities. Below are three articles I found through database searches on factiva and proquest, and details of what I found interesting/important in these articles and how they have helped me formulate my essay topic (please note that I wrote each of these summaries straight after each article so my notes are also written as I'm formulating my ideas as I go along):

  1. 2 worlds forge new reality: Cyberspace is no longer just a flat screen now that 3-D realms are popping up for companies and consumers to plant their flags -- from virtual training to virtual communities to virtual personalities. This article has several interesting points about virtual worlds such as Second Life, which is where my interest in this topic began! It talks about how companies are starting to realise the marketing potentials of these virtual worlds - which is something I would like to further research and explore as a possible topic for my essay. The American Cancer Society created an 'in world' online relay to raise funds. Also, there are now 'virtual' classrooms where you don't have to physically attend uni anymore, but rather can get an education 'in world'. Something that I also found particularly interesting is there are even car dealerships that are getting in on the action and have created online dealerships and test tracks. One of the most interesting things I got out of this article is that the first of its kind Virtual Worlds Conference was held just over a month ago in New York - which I will look into further as well.
  2. Another world of Opportunity. This article is about the enormous marketing potential Second Life has - and whether this is a good or bad thing (at this early stage) for marketers). It has quite a few great examples from Vodafone, Penguin books, Adidas and Reebok who are all getting in early and establishing a presence in Second Life. This article helped me to narrow down my essay topic slightly - initially I was looking at exploring the marketing potential in virtual worlds/communities, but now (after realising how much information is out there and what a MASSIVE task it would be) I am going to focus solely on Second Life - as I think that in itself is a very big task. The conclusion of this article really struck a chord with me and i think it's what I'm going to explore as a more specific topic for my essay: Considering Second Life's possibilities , is it more advantageous for marketers (and brands) to be an early adopter or to wait until its full potential becomes clearer?
  3. Second Life: Marketing Fool's Gold?. This article was helpful in that it helped get down to some of the nitty-gritty points and arguments that I further explore. It begins to look at the thought process associated with marketers and brands embracing new advertising platforms such as Second Life. Two of the key points raised in this article were that Second Life is further threatened by corporate It backlash - a recent survey found that 62% of IT professionals find it essential to block users from accessing the model from their corporate PCs for reasons such as IT security risks, burden to company bandwidth and wasting valuable business time - which raises the issue: it's difficult to market to Second Lifers when their access is being blocked. And secondly, the article posed the argument that brands are not staying true to the Second Life values of escapism and realising your fantasies by simply mimicking their real life experiences. 70% of residents are disappointed by the branded experience - so when 70% of your audience is disappointed, your strategy isn't working.

Scavenger Hunt

1 - Weight of the world's biggest pumpkin is 1,502 pounds (Source:
2 - The easiest, quickest way to contact Grant Hackett is to contact his management, International Quarterback, Ph: 07 3252 2311 (Source:
3 - The length of a giraffe's tongue can measure 18 inches (Source:
4 - Ontology is the study of being or existence (Source:
5 - David Cronenberg's first feature film was Shivers (Source: 6 - The original 'Hacker's Manifesto' was written January 8 1986 (Source:
7 - All phone numbers in Hollywood start with '555' because when phone numbers were used in movies they didn't have an area code so people all across America with this number and different variations on the area code were getting thousands of phone calls a day from die hard film fans. The telephone company then set aside phone numbers beginning with '555' - that were actually dead phone numbers - to be used in movies to prevent this ordeal happening(Source:
8 - The cheapest form of travel from Crete to Rhodes is by boat/ferry
9 - I'll Never Find Another You by The Seekers was top of the Australian Pop Charts this week in 1965 (Source:
10 - Steven Stockwell does keyboard and vocals for The Black Assassins (Source:

Search Engines

What is a search engine?
To me a search engine is an online tool that allows you to look for something specific on the Internet.

How do search engines rank the stuff they find on the Internet?
They generally rank stuff in relation to relevance.
Who/what determines what search result goes before another?
MONEY (of course)! People and companies can pay a premium to Google, for example, that will rank their page the highest when someone types in the words ‘Melbourne’ and ‘shopping’, or ‘rugby league’ and ‘equipment’; this is called Search Engine Optimization (SEO).
What are some of your favourite search engines and why?
My favourite search engine, or the one I use the most, is probably Google. I just find it quick and simple. I also don’t mind yahoo and altavista – but still think Google is much simpler.
Can you find some current news stories about search engines?

  • today announced the launch of its Search Engine Awards to recognize industry leadership, outstanding achievement, and innovation in the search engine industry (
  • Global Property Search Engine (GyPSE(TM)), the first global search engine focused solely on property and the property services industry, announced its membership to the Yellow Pages Association (YPA). (,94976.shtml)
  • Small businesses make up a significant percentage of all the businesses in Southern California and the state has more entrepreneurs per capita than any other. And like other businesses, new customer acquisition is what keeps that bottom line looking healthy. The Internet has leveled the playing field and allows SMBs to compete in ways they never could before. Search engines have changed the way people look for information about products and services - according to a Nielsen/NetRatings study 5.3 billion Internet searches were performed in February 2006, up from 3.8 billion in February 2005. Search is rapidly closing in on email as the primary daily activity online, making search engine marketing a vital skill for every business. (

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Interesting article I found

I read an article in MX (a free afternoon Brisbane newspaper distributed to commuters in the city) last week that I thought was interesting.....


Bloggers get literary nod

The short list for a literary prize aimed at honouring the best books based on blogs has been announced.
On the list is American artist Frank Warren’s My Secret: A Post-Secret Book. It grew out of his weblog PostSecret, which encouraged young people to mail in their secrets anonymously on a homemade postcard. The blog attracts 3.5 million visitors a month and has won best topical and best community categories at the Bloggie awards.
Last year’s winning “blook” – Julie and Julia: My Year of Cooking Dangerously – has now sold more than 100,000 copies and is being made into a film.
The 2007 Blooker prize – with prize money of $7,750 for winners in fiction, non-fiction and comics – aims to encourage cutting-edge literature, much of which starts in the blogosphere.
Keep up the blogging just never know who will be nominated for a Bloggie!!! =)

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Second Life

Did anyone watch Four Corners on Monday night?

Well it was about this - well I'm not sure what you would call it - program/game thing called Second Life. Anyway in essence it's a virtual world that has been created by this company called Linden Lab. I didn't catch the whole story (regrettably - and I'm trying to get my hands on a tape of the whole show!) - only about 15 minutes - but have been frantically googling and researching it trying to find out more - basically Linden Lab (which is a company formed by these 2 young guys out of their garage in the US) has created this virtual world where people can create an account, log on, create their own identity and basically do anything they can do in the real world....but online! You can shop, make things, build/develop property and even meet other people in these virtual places. And it's catching on really fast. Two things that make this virtual world different to anything that has come before it is the fact that firstly, everything you create in this world belongs to you - the IP is your, not the companies - and secondly, you can sell things to other users in this world and exchange your 'Linden dollars' for real US dollars!

Lots of companies across the US and all around the world are quickly catching on to the possibilities in this virtual world and are jumping on board. Companies like IBM and buying and developing land and building buildings etc and offering 'virtual' services that they can charge people to use. Even being seen in this virtual world is probably worth gold in advertising dollars anyway!

You can go into boutique clothing stores and dress your online character in the latest fashions, while at the same time buying clothes for yourself. The virtual world even has it's own 3D search engine that they are talking up as 'the next google' - and it even has it's own virtual prostitutes who earn over US$4,000 a week!!! Virtual items from second life are even auctioned on eBay - it seems everyone wants their own unique piece of this virtual world.

Seriously - this thing seems massive - and if you don't believe me check this out - on the four corners story they featured this women who had developed her own company around this world. She is a virtual property developer - she had over 50 people working for her who buy barren virtual land from Linden Lab and develop it into luxury resorts/apartments/buildings/and island etc and sell it to other people or companies and make an absolute killing. She is now a millionaire and last year was featured on the cover of America's prestigious BusinessWeek magazine.

I just thought this was particularly interesting in light of the set readings for this week which were all about the golden age of the Internet and how the Internet has developed and grown and how it goes through booms and busts etc. It was just interesting and timely to catch this story and learn more about this phenomenon during the week, whilst I was also reading about the golden age of the Internet...............

(I have included some links you may find interesting - transcript from the four corners piece, the four corners home page which has lots more info about Second Life, the second life home page which is interesting to cruise around and get an idea about how big this thing is getting, and finally a link to a video I found that features the two creators of Second Life presenting to a bunch of google employees (i think) about Second Life - it's interesting viewing to see these guys in action)