Friday, May 11, 2007

Week 10 Tutorial Task - Using Microsoft Word

This weeks tutorial task required us to complete a heap of exercises in Microsoft Word. These Exercises included typing, changing words to bold and italic, mail merging, tracking changes, spacing and headers and footers.

I didn't encounter any problems throughout this exercise and actually found this task WAY TOO SIMPLE!!!

I think I found it easy because I have to use this software on a day-to-day basis at my job and use tools such as mail merge daily to save time. Also, being at uni for over three years now, I have learnt how to track changes and use headers and footers for assignments.

I can see that this software will continue to be useful for me in my work life as simple things, such as the one's used during this exercise, often save massive amounts of time (ie mail merge and track changes) and help letters and documents look better and more professional (ie headers and footers, bold, italic).

I'm not sure what else to write about this task really - apart from that it was quite easy......