Thursday, March 22, 2007

Interesting article I found

I read an article in MX (a free afternoon Brisbane newspaper distributed to commuters in the city) last week that I thought was interesting.....


Bloggers get literary nod

The short list for a literary prize aimed at honouring the best books based on blogs has been announced.
On the list is American artist Frank Warren’s My Secret: A Post-Secret Book. It grew out of his weblog PostSecret, which encouraged young people to mail in their secrets anonymously on a homemade postcard. The blog attracts 3.5 million visitors a month and has won best topical and best community categories at the Bloggie awards.
Last year’s winning “blook” – Julie and Julia: My Year of Cooking Dangerously – has now sold more than 100,000 copies and is being made into a film.
The 2007 Blooker prize – with prize money of $7,750 for winners in fiction, non-fiction and comics – aims to encourage cutting-edge literature, much of which starts in the blogosphere.
Keep up the blogging just never know who will be nominated for a Bloggie!!! =)

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