Friday, June 1, 2007

Week 13 - Course Evaluation

It's all over!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well I just finished the exam and this is my final blog which means goodbye to 1501ART!
I think I did ok in the exam - I think I passed so anything else is a bonus! I think one of the advantages of this course - in relation to the exam - is that it rewards people who put in the effort to turn up to lectures and tutorials. There was sooooooo many people in the exam today that i have NEVER seen in any lectures or tutes - it was actually really suprising when i walked in and the theatre was packed! Some of the specific questions about the screenings means that if you actually were there and saw the film you should have some idea - as opposed to people who don't come and may just look up the films on wikipedia!

I also found it good the way the questions werev structured. when it came time to start studying i was VERY overwhelmed at how many key people, key dates and key theories there were. The structure of the questions were good because if you had some idea about the subject of the question you could generally come up with a logical answer.

this course has actually been quite enjoyable! at first i wasn't a fan of the idea of having to keep a blog - but it's actually been quite helpful because it has forced me to keep thinking about the lectures and the themes of the course throughout the week - and not just in lectures.

i also found the content quite enjoyable - there were several lectures that interested me that i never thought would - the net art guest lecture was really interesting (and i actually exchanged emails with the speaker about a few interesting points he raised), and the video games lecture. two things that i previously wouldn't have given the time of day i have found myself taking an interest in and researching further and googling! also enjoyed the creative commons lecture

this course has opened my eyes (and thoughts) up to new things and i've found myself taking notice of newspaper articles related to blogging or new technologies and watching new programs about technologies (eg - i randomly stumbled across a four corners epidsode about second life and took an interest and ended up doing my assignment on the topic, and since then have actually stumbled across resaerch that i have since presented to the directors at my work)

well thats all i can think of for now

it's been fun but it's time for me to say goodbye to this course - and uni altogether as a matter of fact - after 16 years of schooling i'm about to enter the real world........and earn some REAL money!!!!

Bye Bye!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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