Friday, May 18, 2007

Week 11 Tutorial Task - Microsoft Excel

Well I just completed this tutorial task and i must say that i was expecting it to be just like the Microsoft Word tutorial task....easy and boring.........but it wasn't!

I DISCOVERED A PROBLEM!!! yay for me!!! In exercise 2: formulas, it says to enter the formula "=IF(F2>0,$Gain$, $Loss$)". however i found that by entering this code an error message came up. but through my investigating i found that the formula should actually be "=IF(F2>0,"Gain', "Loss")". and by doing this i got the correct result!

I also found the Macros exercise hard - i was going fine until when i had to 'assign macro' and got completely lost?!?!?

This exercise was useful though as it made me realise the potential that Excel has - and perhaps I still have a lot more to learn about it!

I use this software quite frequently at work when I have to keep track of money coming in from sponsorships/charities etc!