Thursday, April 26, 2007

Week 5 Tutorial Task - Photoshop Part 1


(Photo taken by a friend with my Olympus IR-300 camera)

This picture was taken at the start of this year. Me and my girlfriends from high school went to Odyssey at Dreamworld for new years eve. To me this picture illustrates 'friends' because we left high school four years ago and even though we don't see each other as much as we used to, we still love each other and love hanging out after all this time - which is what friendship is about really!


(A ScanEagle UAV sits on the launcher prior to a flight supporting Marine Expeditionary Force personnel in Iraq. Photo by Boeing)

This is a picture of a Scan Eagle. The Scan Eagle is an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle which provides real time imagery that allows tactical commanders to develop a clearer picture of the battlefield. To me this photo represents high-tech because I work for Boeing and see the technology and brains etc that goes behind this vehicle and also know what amazing potential it has.


(Photo of Rupert Murdoch from

This my be very cynical but when I think of news, I think of the man who often controls the news we see...Mr Rupert Murdoch, the owner of News Limited/News Corp. He publishes hundreds of newspapers worldwide, owns the Fox network, 20th Century Fox, TV networks, cable channels and much much more.


(Photo of Fiji from

This photo of Fiji makes me think of summer because that's where I want to be this summer. As a graduation/21st present to myself I'm saving up to go to Fiji for 10 days with a group of friends.


(Photo taken by a friend with my Olympus IR-300 camera)

I found this one a bit hard...unconventional?!?! I was looking through my pictures on my computer and found this one of me and two of my girlfriends surfing on a fake wave at Dreamworld on new years eve and thought it was unconventional.....I mean how often do YOU see three girls all dolled up surfing with stilettos on and hand bags and drinks in hand?!?!?

Uni life

(Photo from Griffith University Graduation home page)

This picture to me illustrates what uni is all about.......GRADUATING. All though I've had a lot of fun at uni and made lots of new friends, this is my last semester and with only 5 weeks (hey whose counting?!) of classes left this is all that I have on my mind at the moment!

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